"Still Beating" Installed at Linked-in new building! 222 2nd Street, San Francisco!

I am happy and honored to announce that my sculptural mosaic Heart "Still Beating" has been installed in the lobby of the new Linked-in Building in downtown San Francisco!

222 2nd Street is the address!

The building has a colossal public space as well as well as a public lobby. The Heart-work can be seen in the lobby or from the street through windows.

In case you were wondering where you are...

In case you were wondering where you are...

the building has a massive open public space with tables chairs and lots of fresh air!

the building has a massive open public space with tables chairs and lots of fresh air!

the building has a massive open public space with tables chairs and lots of fresh air!

the building has a massive open public space with tables chairs and lots of fresh air!

The troops coaxing it out of hibernation...

The troops coaxing it out of hibernation...

...nothing going on here, nothing to see...

...nothing going on here, nothing to see...

Just a little break before they and 7 other guys hoist this 650 lb baby up a short flight of stairs. I WISH I had videoed that! Incredible!

Just a little break before they and 7 other guys hoist this 650 lb baby up a short flight of stairs. I WISH I had videoed that! Incredible!

The Big Reveal!

...And now some gratuitous shots of the happy father posing by his baby! LOL!

from the street

from the street